Jasmine Holmes

Jasmine L. Holmes has written for The Gospel Coalition, Desiring God, Fathom MagChristianity Today, and The Witness. She is also a contributing author for Identity Theft: Reclaiming the Truth of Our Identity in Christ and His Testimonies, My Heritage: Women of Color on the Word of God. She teaches humanities in a classical Christian school in Jackson, Mississippi, where she and her husband, Phillip, are parenting two young sons.

Episodes appearing in

Jasmine Holmes wants her son to understand he is made in the image of God, to understand the beauty of diversity, and to be a hopeful optimist centered on the gospel of Christ. View Show Notes →
Jasmine Holmes knows what strong parenting looks like. But that didn't shield her from the pain of casual prejudice growing up. Now a young mom, she shows her son he is "fearfully and wonderfully made." View Show Notes →