FamilyLife Today® Podcast

Building a Relationship With Your Daughter

with Jonathan and Wynter Pitts | June 19, 2018
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Jonathan and Wynter Pitts know what it's like to raise girls. They have four of them! How do they nurture their relationships? Jonathan admits that he loves including the girls in his world, whether he's at work or going to Home Depot. Wynter, on the other hand, most likes to enjoy time with them snuggling on the couch. Either way, the Pitts encourage parents to get to know their children's personalities and preferences so they can best encourage their interests and talents.

  • Show Notes

  • About the Host

  • About the Guest

  • Jonathan and Wynter Pitts know what it's like to raise girls. They have four of them! How do they nurture their relationships? Jonathan admits that he loves including the girls in his world, whether he's at work or going to Home Depot. Wynter, on the other hand, most likes to enjoy time with them snuggling on the couch. Either way, the Pitts encourage parents to get to know their children's personalities and preferences so they can best encourage their interests and talents.

  • Dave and Ann Wilson

    Dave and Ann Wilson are hosts of FamilyLife Today®, FamilyLife’s nationally-syndicated radio program. Dave and Ann have been married for more than 38 years and have spent the last 33 teaching and mentoring couples and parents across the country. They have been featured speakers at FamilyLife’s Weekend to Remember® marriage getaway since 1993 and have also hosted their own marriage conferences across the country. Cofounders of Kensington Church—a national, multicampus church that hosts more than 14,000 visitors every weekend—the Wilsons are the creative force behind DVD teaching series Rock Your Marriage and The Survival Guide To Parenting, as well as authors of the recently released book Vertical Marriage (Zondervan, 2019). Dave is a graduate of the International School of Theology, where he received a Master of Divinity degree. A Ball State University Hall of Fame quarterback, Dave served the Detroit Lions as chaplain for 33 years. Ann attended the University of Kentucky. She has been active alongside Dave in ministry as a speaker, writer, small-group leader, and mentor to countless wives of professional athletes. The Wilsons live in the Detroit area. They have three grown sons, CJ, Austin, and Cody, three daughters-in-law, and a growing number of grandchildren.

Jonathan and Wynter Pitts know what it’s like to raise girls. The Pitts encourage parents to get to know their children’s personalities and preferences so they can best encourage their interests and talents.

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Building a Relationship With Your Daughter

With Jonathan and Wynter Pitts
June 19, 2018
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Bob: As you’re raising your children, one of the things you learn is that loving them is often spelled “T-I-M-E”—spending time with them. That’s something that Jonathan Pitts has learned as a dad.

Jonathan: One way I love spending time with my girls is actually just allowing them to enter mine. You know, a lot of times, we go to work—or we go to Home Depot® or somewhere—and we want our own time. One of the things I’ve really found joy in, especially with four girls, where I can’t—you know, dating four girls gets to be expensive and difficult to do; so you have to get very creative about what a date is. They don’t know that Home Depot is not a great date!—just taking them with me so that they know that they’re important, no matter where I am. When I leave the house, I don’t leave them—just taking them with me.

Bob: This is FamilyLife Today for Tuesday, June 19th. Our host is Dennis Rainey, and I'm Bob Lepine. As parents, one of the most important gifts we can give our children, as we raise them, is the gift of our presence with them. We’ll hear more about that today from Jonathan and Wynter Pitts. Stay with us.


And welcome to FamilyLife Today. Thanks for joining us. You know, as you were raising your daughters, you probably had the same experience I did. There were some seasons that were sweet, and wonderful, and delightful, and some seasons that had a little more relational challenge to them. Do you know what I’m talking about?

Dennis: You think?! [Laughter] That’s an interesting way of putting it, Bob.

Bob: I was waiting to see if you were going to—

Dennis: I was wondering,—[Laughter]

Bob: I was waiting to see if you were going to deny this—

Dennis: —“Where are you headed with this?”

Bob: —and try to make it sound like: “Oh, no! It was all sweet the whole time!”

Dennis: Well, as you know, we actually had a statistician do a project on the number of relationships that we have in our family.

By the way, I’ll introduce our guests. Jonathan and Wynter Pitts are back with us again on FamilyLife Today. Wynter/Jonathan—welcome back.

Jonathan: Thank you for having us.

Wynter: Glad to be here.

Dennis: This will probably make you guys tired; because you have four daughters, you understand the dynamics of conflict.



This guy did the research, and there are over 1,000 different relationships that can be formed where there are two parents and six children.

Bob: You’re talking about two with one; three with one—

Dennis: Three with one; five against one. [Laughter]  You know, on and on it goes.

The guy did a statistical probability of having a good day, and it was one out of every 630 billion years! [Laughter] You know, there’s a reason why we, as parents, are facing these issues. We’re training our kids to know how to manage conflict and how to resolve it.

You guys have written a book called She Is Yours: Trusting God as You Raise the Girl That He Gave You.

And, Bob, I don’t know whether you know this or not, but this couple is famous!

Bob: Well—

Dennis: They’re famous!

Bob: They’re famous because one of their daughters is a movie star.

Dennis: She’s a movie star!

Bob: That’s right.

Dennis: That’s pretty cool!

Bob: Yes.

Wynter: No; we’re not. [Laughter] We’re tired! [Laughter]

Bob: Your daughter—your oldest daughter?

Wynter: Yes.



Bob: She got cast in the hit movie, which nobody knew was going to be a hit movie. In fact, you guys know the story. When Alex and Stephen Kendrick went to the folks at Sony and said, “We want to do a movie about an older woman’s prayer closet,” the people at Sony were like, “What?!” [Laughter]

Jonathan: Not necessarily the most popular sort of thing.

Bob: Yes; “This is going to be your first flop!”—that’s what they got told. It turned out to be just a major movie. Your daughter is the daughter in that movie.

Jonathan: Yes.

Bob: She is the jump roper at the end. I have to think—she had to be—she had to be doing—what is it?—Double Dutch?—is that—

Wynter: Double Dutch; yes—Double Dutch.

Bob: She had to be wild into Double Dutch before the movie came along; right?

Wynter: Absolutely not! We kind of felt like—Sony, actually, when they said it was a Double Dutch—that she was going to Double Dutch—we were like—

Bob: “What is it?!”

Wynter: “Well, will it be a track team / a basketball team?” You know, it was a Double Dutch team. She had only ever jumped rope—just like a regular jump rope.

Bob: Yes.

Wynter: But they had a coach come on set.

Jonathan: Not just any coach—he was like a National Championship Double Dutcher himself. I don’t know if you call them “Double Dutchers,” but—


Wynter: Well, he brought teams with him—like these kids—even, you know, she did like a cartwheel in the ropes one time—and we were like: “It’s amazing! We’ve never seen anything like it!” And then these professional Double Dutchers showed up; and we were like, “Ohhhhh!” [Laughter]

Dennis: So explain to our listeners—there are some who don’t know about Double Dutch.

Wynter: Yes; Double Dutch is—you take two ropes—

Jonathan: —long jump ropes.

Wynter: —long jump ropes—and the two people stand on the ends and twist them—

Jonathan: —turn them.

Wynter: —turn them / twist and turn them—but they actually matter just as much as the person who is jumping on the inside.

Bob: —because there are all different directions with those ropes.

Wynter: You’ve got to time it the right way; so they’re timing, and doing these twists. Then a regular Double Dutch jumper will just jump in and can kind of keep up with the two ropes; but the better you get, you can do cartwheels and dances. Even in the movie, Alena did like a little foot dance with one of the guys, where they did like, you know, a handshake, except it was with their feet in the middle of these jump ropes.

Bob: So is she still Double Dutch-ing today?

Wynter: No; because we’re terrible twisters. [Laughter]

Jonathan: Turners, Babe!—they’re turners!



It’s so funny—I wish that the audience could see this; because as Wynter’s explaining Double Dutch, she’s actually turning her arms the opposite way than you’re supposed to turn them. [Laughter]

Wynter: That was probably one of the most frustrating things for Alena after the movie was over; because her coach had given her these professional jump ropes, and she brings them home. Her sisters aren’t tall enough to help turn the ropes, and Jon and I don’t know what we’re doing! So she’s—

Jonathan: Well, I’m actually not that bad, but—

Bob: Ohhh!!

Wynter: Just because—

Bob: Ohhh!

Wynter: —just because you’re better than I am does not mean—[Laughter]

Dennis: Oh, dear! That’s fun.

Well, your book is really broken into three parts. You want to equip parents to train their children—their daughters, specifically—to have a great relationship with God; secondly, a great relationship with you, as parents; and, third, know how to relate to their world.

Let’s talk about building a relationship with your daughters. Where does that start? Obviously, it begins in the crib; but as you begin to develop that relationship with toddlers, and children moving into elementary school, how did you guys do that?


Jonathan: You know, I think there are different things that, as parents, distract us from doing that well. I think presence is everything. For me, I’ve learned, over the years, that my presence matters more than anything else. I’ll just give you an example of something that would make my presence less there / make me less available.

Dennis: Even though you can’t do the Double Dutch—[Laughter]

Jonathan: Yes; exactly!

Dennis: —your presence doesn’t count at that point; does it?

Jonathan: Right. [Laughter]

But I would say presence is everything. You know, for parents these days—for me, even, I love talk radio—I don’t care what it is: political talk radio, Christian talk radio, conservative talk radio—I just love talk radio. I can put some earbuds in better than anybody else; get over to the dishes—start doing dishes after dinner and just kind of check out.

Wynter: It looks like he’s being productive, because he’s doing the dishes; but all of the kids are trying to talk to him, around the house, and are like, “Daddy!”—

Jonathan: Yes.

Wynter: —like, “Are you there?!” He’s totally mute; you know.

Jonathan: Yes; and it’s a challenge. I think we all have it—something that easily distracts us. For me, that’s what it is. I can put my earbuds in, and I can kind of check out of what’s going on.



Bob: This is what everybody’s carrying around with them today.

Jonathan: Cell phones; yes.

Bob: These smartphones—how many times you are out to dinner—and you look over at a table of five people, and nobody’s talking to anybody; they’re all staring at their phones. I never do that myself! [Laughter] But I’ve seen other people do it; so—[Laughter]

Jonathan: Well, now, that’s a rule at our dinner table. We don’t have cell phones at the dinner table—they’re just gone; they’re set aside. I try not to bring my cell phone in from work even—I try to leave it in the car. I don’t do it perfectly; I’m probably actually only at about 30 percent.

Bob: No earbuds at the dinner table either; right?

Jonathan: No earbuds at the dinner table! [Laughter]

Bob: Alright.

Jonathan: But I would say presence—starting with presence.

Wynter: And presence doesn’t always—I think, a lot of times, we get caught up in the perfection—like it needs to look perfect; it needs to be a certain way. Really, it doesn’t—it’s just our presence.

When our twins were born, we already had—you know, Alena was five, and our Kaitlyn was—I don’t know—

Jonathan: —three.

Wynter: —three. She was three, and then the twins were born; so it was total chaos! I mean, you know, just diapers and chaos. I spent a lot of time trying to get it to look right and then I could enjoy my kids—like:



“If we could get them to all sit, or all be calm, or all have a nap at the same time, then my presence will matter; and it looks like I’m doing something productive.”

I’ve learned, over time—that God just showed me: “It’s not going to be perfect.” But just letting all of that—what we think it needs to look like, as a parent, [go]—and just accepting what it is and choosing to be present in that moment. In there, with them, is one of the biggest deals, I think, when it comes to relationship.

Bob: Wynter, I don’t know if Jonathan was like this—and I don’t know if this is dads versus moms—but building a relationship with my kids—with my girls—was something that I didn’t feel like really started to happen until, maybe, they were two or three years old; because, when the babies are born, for some reason, I watched my wife—she instantly bonded with this child. She can sit for an hour with a baby in her lap and just stare, and talk, and be entranced. I can do, maybe, two minutes of that and then it is like, “On to the next thing.” [Laughter]



For me, a child has to have some expression of identity and personality for me to be able to connect and relate; but for mamas, this relationship stuff starts from the time in the hospital, when they say, “It’s a girl,” and hand her to you; right?

Wynter: Absolutely; I can remember the first time I held all of my girls. Even with my twins—one of them I didn’t get to hold until the next morning after she was born—so there’s this instant—I remember sitting in rocking chairs and rocking. I can’t sing at all, but they didn’t know; so it didn’t matter! [Laughter] So singing over them and praying over them, or just talking to them and just, literally, like you said your wife—those are my favorite moments—just sitting and staring at them do nothing—you are like: “They’re smiling!” and you’re [Jonathan] like, “No; it’s not.” [Laughter]

Dennis: I actually was looking for a spot for this question: “So, Bob, have you read, in the book, how Jonathan connects with his daughters by lying on the floor? [Laughter]

Bob: Yes.

Dennis: “Have you—have you read that?”

Bob: Yes.



Dennis: Jonathan—

Jonathan: You’re talking about with them drawing on my back and all of that?

Dennis: Yes.

Jonathan: Yes.

Dennis: Yes; the girls drawing tattoos on your back!

Jonathan: Yes; I remember I would be exhausted, coming in from work; and Wynter’s tired. She’s in the bed or something, and I’m coming to take over. I realized, very quickly, was all I had to do was lie on the floor and give them either pens or some kind of markers, and they would just draw on my back. I could actually fall asleep while they were just playing on my back! It was a really neat thing.

Wynter: You did it a lot; because I am, like an hour later—I’m like, “I still hear the kids giggling!” I go in the room, and Jonathan’s knocked out—like, “What?!” [Laughter] You know, the kids are still—they were actually, recently, just talking about them remembering them drawing on your back.

Dennis: You guys have written a list—a pretty comprehensive list—of like 30 ideas or ways to build your relationship with your children. I want both of you to pick your top three. So, Jonathan, you pick three; and Wynter, you pick three.

Bob: —and you can go back and forth.

Dennis: Yes.

Bob: Have you got one picked out, Jonathan?

Jonathan: Well, I have one; I don’t even know if it’s in here.

Dennis: Yes; that’s okay.


Jonathan: I mean, one way I love spending time with my girls is actually just allowing them to enter mine. You know, a lot of times, we go to work—or we go to Home Depot or somewhere—and we want our own time. One of the things I’ve really found joy in, especially with four girls, where I can’t do dating—I mean, you had four girls—dating four girls gets to be, not impossible, but—

Dennis: —expensive! [Laughter]

Jonathan: —expensive and difficult to do! So you have to get very creative about what a date is. They don’t know that Home Depot is not a great date!—just throw them in the car! [Laughter] So just allowing them to enter my world—

Dennis: Shhh! There are some of them listening to this broadcast!

Bob: That’s right!

Jonathan: Exactly!

Dennis: “Daddy’s going to take me to Home Depot! That’s really special.”

Jonathan: Right. So just allowing them to enter my world—whether it be my workplace, or Home Depot or, obviously, a date—but just taking them with me so that they know that they’re important, no matter where I am. When I leave the house, I don’t leave them; so just taking them with me.

Bob: And you will do that, sometimes, with all of them; but often, just one on one, with a particular girl; right?

Jonathan: Yes; and I think you get to know their personalities. We have four girls with very different personalities.



You get to know their personality, and you get to know what they appreciate and what excites them. There are certain things I would ask “Daughter One” to do that I wouldn’t ask “Daughter Three” to do.

Bob: Right.

Jonathan: There are certain things I would ask “Daughter Four” to do that I wouldn’t ask “Daughter Two” to do; you know? It’s just—you get to know them so well.

I would say, first and foremost, just allowing them to enter my world and intentionally bring them into my world.

Bob: Wynter, what’s a relationship-building strategy?

Wynter: Well, one of the things I love to do—and I opened right to it—but I love this anyway; it doesn’t matter the personality. I love just a quiet room to snuggle. All of the girls will do that—some of them will do it a little longer; some of them will do it like 30 seconds, and then they’re like, “I’ve got to move on.” [Laughter]

But that moment of just sitting quietly, just holding their hands, giving them a chance to breathe. If there’s something to be said, they say it. A lot of times, they will randomly say something that, in the busyness, I would totally miss—but just taking that time out to just kind of grab them. That’s a perfect date for me, and all of the kids can appreciate it in some way.

Bob: Will you say to one of your daughters, “Let’s have some snuggle time,” or how do you do that?



Wynter: I would always—normally, already be in a very comfortable space. I’ll invite them into it. [Laughter]

Dennis: What’s another one for you?

Jonathan: One really neat thing that we did, as a family—and this is fun, because my wife is an introvert—and I have two daughters who are very introverted. One of the things—we found from another family—was just sharing “highs and lows” like around the dinner table or just at night before you go to bed. Sharing highs and lows—the high point of your day / the low point of your day—is a way of creating conversations in your family that wouldn’t otherwise exist. When you share highs and lows, you’re actually starting to talk about what happened in your day; and you find out things you wouldn’t have found out otherwise.

Dennis: Give our listeners an illustration of some highs and lows that were shared, and how you turned it into a conversation—to not only embrace that child—but also, maybe, build some values into their lives.

Jonathan: The highs and lows aren’t really about anything earth-shattering or big idea. It’s more just the daily grind of their lives / things that are happening. Some things you find out about them that you didn’t realize was something that would excite them or something that you wouldn’t realize would upset them.



You get opportunities just to pour into their lives.

Bob: They might say, “I got a bad test grade today,” or “My teacher let me do this,” or “Somebody said something nice to me.” They’ll just come up—they’ll kind of bring you into their world, and you get a chance to understand what life is like for them.

Wynter: One of the biggest things it does, as well—that, specifically—is it just shows them they can talk to us. It creates an environment that, even though they may not have anything profound to say on that day; but when they do, like it comes up / it comes back; you know?

Like I can remember one of the things with Alena. She was really interested, one day—Alena’s our oldest, and she was probably in third grade—she ran out to the car. This wasn’t necessarily a high/low together, as a family, but for her and me. She ran to the car, and she had her eyeglass case; she was holding it really tight. I remember looking at it, like, “What is she doing?” as she was coming; because it just looked different. She got to the car; she opens it. She pulls out a baggie full of ladybugs that she had collected all day long.



This was—she was totally excited about these ladybugs. I mean, that was like the “high” of her whole day.

Jonathan: I have to share, because Wynter’s not excited about any bugs; I don’t care how cute they are! [Laughter]

Wynter: No! We’re driving, and she is just going on. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see her holding up this bag in the back seat. All of these bugs were just crawling around in this baggie; there were a lot of them!

Bob: I think I know where this is going. [Laughter]

Wynter: I did not tell her—in my mind, I was thinking: “She’s going to throw that away!”—like: “Throw it away!” But, from her excitement, I could just tell: “You know what? This is a chance for me to show her that I’m interested in the things that she’s interested in.” We went home; I did not ask her to throw them away. When we went home, we got online and we started googling “How to take care of ladybugs.” We had a little jar, and we put food in—I don’t remember what now—it was years ago. Whatever we put in there to make them eat—you know, we didn’t do a good job; because they all died—[Laughter]—like very soon.

Jonathan: I don’t think they had any air. [Laughter]

Wynter: You think?

Jonathan: They weren’t thinking of that. [Laughter]


Wynter: The idea was—the idea that stood out to me, in that moment—and what I’m praying stands out for her, in years to come—is just that, even though it was just ladybugs, and it was a third-grader, and it wasn’t anything major or profound, the fact that I showed interest in something that she was interested in and created a moment that we could have together—like: “I’m going to show you that, when you’re interested in something I’m not, I’m going to join you in that world the same way I’m going to bring you into mine. I’m going to join you in the things that matter to you.”

Bob: —even though it was something that—

Wynter: —totally grossed me out!

Bob: Exactly! [Laughter]

Dennis: And you mentioned the word, “baggies.” That’s another story in your book that I love. This would be a good one, I think, to have a “high,” as a parent, just to brag on one of your daughters. You have a daughter, who saw a young man walking down the street with baggy pants; right? [Laughter]

Jonathan: Yes.

Dennis: Saggy pants!

Jonathan: Yes.

Dennis: She made a comment that showed where her values were.

Jonathan: Yes; and this is so funny, because we put this in the book. Wynter was thinking, “I don’t want to offend anybody!” but it’s just funny. This guy is walking down the street.



I was driving the car. I think my oldest and my second one are in the car; the twins weren’t born yet. We look over, and there was a guy walking down the street—just kind of a, you know, younger guy, and his pants were baggy. She says, “Daddy, I don’t want to marry a man like that.”

I said, “Why?” She said, “Well, he’s not wearing his pants up on his waist.” The whole thing is not about judging a guy for how he wears his pants; the whole point is—and what I realized in that moment is—that she’s judging the world around her—

Dennis: Yes; she’s processing.

Jonathan: —she’s processing the world around her. I’m getting to set the standard, for not only for how pants should be worn, but for everything else in life. It was just a proud moment for me, as a father.

Dennis: And those are great moments to celebrate at the dinner table when you do your “highs and lows.” You can brag on one of your children in front of the rest of them.

Jonathan: Yes.

Dennis: And then ask God to help you catch your kids doing something right, so you can brag on them.

Jonathan: Well, I just had another moment—this was actually just this week. I had flown in town from somewhere; my daughter texted me—my oldest girl, and she’s almost 14—she says: “Daddy, can we have a conversation tonight?—a private conversation?” I text her back and I’m like, “Okay; is everything okay?”



And she said, “Yes; everything’s okay.”

I get home—it is a beautiful day—and we take a walk; we are walking our dog. The bottom line is—we had a 30-/40-minute walk and a conversation about two things: one is—she shared that she was just struggling a little bit with anxious thoughts—and she was just wondering, “How do I deal with that?”

Instead of pulling out my Bible, like I would have, and just sharing Scripture with her on anxious thoughts, I actually said: “Well, why don’t you call one of my sisters? My baby sister—she actually struggled with anxious thoughts when she was a teenager. Maybe she can help you some,”—that was the first thing.

And then, the second thing—she just wanted to talk about boys and talk about a friend that she has. I was mature enough in this moment to actually have that conversation. [Laughter]

What that did for me was just really help me understand that me being available and me being a trusted person to talk to—I’m sorry!—I forgot to say that, before she said that, she said: “Daddy, I don’t want to be like the other girls—friends of mine—that don’t really have a relationship with their daddies or talk with their daddies. I want to talk with you about these things.”

Dennis: Well, I was going to wait until the broadcast was over to make a personal gift to you, as the father of four daughters, but I brought it here in the studio.



I thought, “You know, here’s a man who’s going to need this book.” Read the title of it, Wynter.

Wynter: Interviewing Your Daughter’s Date: 30 Minutes Man-to-Man

Jonathan: Bam! [Laughter] Can I have it now!?

Dennis: You can have it.

Jonathan: Thank you! I appreciate it.

Dennis: I’ve got a feeling there’s going to be some young men, who pull their pants up—

Jonathan: Oh, man! They will. [Laughter]

Dennis: —to come by your house to date your daughters!

I really applaud your leadership in caring for your wife and your daughters, and intersecting their world with the truth of Scripture and the reality of Jesus Christ—that He is there; they can follow Him and not compromise who they are, as young ladies.

Bob: And I hope you stopped—when your daughter said: “I don’t want to be like my friends, who can’t talk to their daddies about this. I want to have a relationship with my dad and talk about…”—I hope you just said, “Thank You, Jesus!”



Jonathan: I did; I did!

You know, for me, I think about Philippians 2—and Jesus not considering His equality with God something to be grasped or held on to—but He gave up, becoming a servant and humbling Himself. I think the most important thing that we can do, as dads, is humble ourselves; because we’re going to make mistakes; we’re going to have challenges. I mean, I find myself realizing that I’m the wrong party sometimes. Having the humility—I’m not comparing that part to Jesus!—[Laughter]—but the other part of humility—having the humility to be okay with being wrong / with having to apologize—whatever it takes to keep my family together / to keep my daughters strong. I mean, humility, for men—it is the one of the hardest things to do.

Dennis: And, Wynter, I was watching your face as he was saying that he hadn’t done it perfectly. It looked like there was something flashed across your mind. [Laughter] Our audience should have—

Bob: I thought she nodded; didn’t she?

Dennis: Oh, she did nod! But it was like there was something taking place there. Is there something you can share here? [Laughter]

Wynter: No; it’s funny. I thought of: “It’s true, but it’s true for all of us—that it’s not done perfectly.” 



Jonathan is not

Jonathan: In your eyes I am, baby!

Wynter: —one of the things I thank God for—

Jonathan: —in your eyes, I’m perfect. [Laughter]

Wynter: Yes, sweetie. [Laughter] But one of the things I am always grateful for in my husband is just that he is very humble and always willing to apologize and show that / offer that apology, whether it’s me or the girls—and just that it’s a really big deal.

He’s, also, very easy to cry. I was wondering, Babe—when Alena said that to you, did you cry?

Jonathan: I didn’t cry.

Wynter: Okay; that’s not normal—

Jonathan: I’m not—

Wynter: —he cries all of the time.

Jonathan: I’m surprised, now that you ask, that I didn’t; but I didn’t.

Wynter: Yes.

Bob: I’m just thinking about the coaching that you provide in the middle section of this book about this critically important area of our relationship with our girls—also with our boys, but you’re focused on your four girls—building a relationship with them and maintaining a relationship with them. Dennis, you’ve said, for years, that the relationship is the bridge over which a boat-load of truth can be carried.



But you’ve got to have the relationship strong to be able to carry that truth.

Dennis: And it’s a truckload of truth, not a boatload of truth, across the bridge.

Bob: Okay! [Laughter] I guess I did mix my metaphors there; didn’t I?

Anyway, we’ve got copies of Jonathan and Wynter Pitts’ book available in our FamilyLife Today Resource Center. You can order the book from us, online, at; or call to order your copy: 1-800-FL-TODAY is our number. Again, it is 1-800-358-6329—1-800-“F” as in family, “L” as in life, and then the word, “TODAY.” The book is titled She is Yours: Trusting God as You Raise the Girl He Gave You. Again, our website is

You know, one of the ways that you can spend more time together with your sons and daughters and spend time focused on God’s Word—FamilyLife® has put together a series of family devotions that you can do over a four-week period.



We call this the Growing Together series; and it’s available for free download at our website, If you’re looking for a way to have some spiritually-meaningful times with your kids during the summer months, let us provide some help. Go to and download the Growing Together series. Again, our website is

And, “Thanks,” to those of you who make it possible for us to provide resources like this for families all across the country and around the world. Those of you who support this ministry—you help us reach more people, more regularly, through this daily radio program, our podcasts, our website, the resources we create, and our events. You make all of that possible when you donate to support the ministry of FamilyLife Today. We’re grateful for those of you who do partner with us.

If you’re a long-time listener, and you’ve never made a donation, why don’t you make today the day that you join the team? Go online and donate at, or call 1-800-FL-TODAY to donate.



You can also mail your donation to FamilyLife Today at PO Box 7111, Little Rock, AR; our zip code is 72223. And don’t forget to download the Growing Together devotional series from our website at

And we hope you can join us back tomorrow. Jonathan and Wynter Pitts will be here again. We’ll continue talking about how we cultivate a strong, healthy relationship with our daughters so that we can carry a truckload of truth across the bridge to them.

I want to thank our engineer today, Keith Lynch, along with our entire broadcast production team. On behalf of our host, Dennis Rainey, I'm Bob Lepine. We will see you back tomorrow for another edition of FamilyLife Today.

FamilyLife Today is a production of FamilyLife of Little Rock, Arkansas; a Cru® Ministry.

Help for today. Hope for tomorrow.


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