Amid everything else you’ve got on your mind right now (office/school Christmas parties, gifts to buy and wrap, holiday travel plans), have you taken time to ponder what’s ahead for the new year?

What dreams does God have for you?

What doors will He open, and which open doors will He close?

As you head into the next year, what posture do you want to assume?

Ephesians 3:20 reminds us He is able to do more than we could ask or imagine. The possibilities are exciting. And while we might not know what will come in the new year, here are some things we can commit to now for 2022. This list will set us up to be our best selves—for God, for our family, and for ourselves.

1. Consistent alone time with God.

Isn’t this where it really begins? We need to hear from God in order to proceed. I want to spend more time at His feet and less time with a sore neck from looking down at my phone so often. Let’s find a specific time and place to meet with Him regularly and without distraction.

2. Nourishing friendships.

God designed us to live in community with others. We’re told in Galatians 6:2 to “bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” Whose burdens will you bear, and who will bear yours? Prayerfully consider who you will invest in and receive from next year. Establishing and nurturing deep friendships is a rich and rewarding element of life in Christ.

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3. Fulfilling hobbies.

Burnout is real, and it can bring out the bear aspect of any mama bear! You know that thing you can get lost in for hours without realizing what time it is? The thing that recharges you and makes you feel fully “you?” Whatever it is, prioritize in 2022. Maybe it’s an artistic endeavor like painting or dancing, or maybe it’s a sport. Whatever it is, do more of it next year.

4. Challenging biblical study.

Commit to spiritual growth in the year ahead. Join a Bible study, find a friend to discuss the Word with on a regular basis, or hit up the library or eBooks to find something that engages and provokes you. Figure out when you will incorporate the study into your schedule and stick with it. Avoid becoming stagnant.

This list of resolutions is not self-seeking—it’s actually the opposite. Too often we crowd out things on this list because they don’t yield immediate, visible results like some of the other items on our calendar. But look at what we’d be sacrificing. I want to give my best to God and my family next year, maximizing all of my resources and going all in. Resolving to stick with these four things will position me to get there.

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